How to Handle Job Rejections and Keep Moving Forward - Flexi Recruits
How to Handle Job Rejections and Keep Moving Forward - Flexi Recruits
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How to Handle Job Rejections and Keep Moving Forward

Handle Job rejections

Did you ever experience a feeling that your dream job missed you? You were fully prepared, you believed you succeeded in the interview, and then… silence. Or worse, the common email that says, “Thank you, but we decided to choose another candidate.” As everyone knows, it hurts to be rejected from a job. It’s never easy, whether it’s your first or tenth rejection. The good news is that being rejected doesn’t mean that you are worthless. It’s only a setback on your way to your destiny. So, let’s discuss how to deal with job rejections like experts, maintain your self-confidence, and move forward stronger than before!

Why Do Job Rejections Hurt?

Rejection feels personal, doesn’t it? You have spent hours developing your CV, researching the business, and preparing answers. When things don’t go as planned, it may be an unexpected blow to your confidence. But here’s the thing, rejection affects everyone, including the most successful people. Did you know that J.K. Rowling’s Harry Potter manuscript was turned down 12 times before a publisher answered yes? Imagine if she had given up! It is normal to feel disappointed. Let yourself digest your feelings. Take a big breath, have a cup of coffee, and understand that this does not define your value or ability.

Change Mindset on Rejection

What if I told you that rejection is actually a kind of redirection? Sometimes a “no” is only guiding you to the right “yes.” Consider it this way,  every rejection teaches you something. Maybe it’s an opportunity to sharpen your interview skills, update your CV, or explore positions that better match your talents. Rethink rejection as an opportunity for growth, not a setback. You are not beginning yet again,  you are starting more wisely. 

Easy Ways to Come Back from Job Rejection

Let us become practical. Here are six steps to help you recharge, learn, and progress:

  • Time for Healing

It’s alright to be frustrated, unhappy, or angry. Spend a day or two to digest it, but avoid concentrating on it too much. Watch your favourite television shows, go for a walk, or chat with a friend.

  • Constructive Feedback

If possible, ask for feedback from the recruiter or interviewer. A short email is effective such as “Thank you for considering me. I would really welcome any criticism to help me better prepare for future opportunities.” Most companies are happy to share advice that can help you grow.

  • What You Can Change

Take a moment to look over things

  • Was your CV tailored to the job?
  • Did you prepare enough for the interview?
  • Are there any skills that you can improve?

If necessary, consider upskilling. There are several online courses available (many of which are free) to help you improve both your skills and confidence.

  • Focus on What You Can Control

You cannot influence the hiring manager’s choice, but you have control over your own preparation, attitude, and viewpoint. Focus your efforts on what you can do better instead of what you can’t change.

  • Stay Persistent

Rejection can be demotivating, but consistency is key. Every application, interview, and “no” brings you closer to the perfect job. Remember that persistence pays off. Did you know Thomas Edison failed over a thousand times before developing the light bulb? He didn’t stop,  he kept bouncing back. You should, too.

  • Take Care of Self

Job searching is often challenging, so don’t forget to care for yourself. Stay active, pursue your hobbies, and surround yourself with people who inspire you. A healthy mentality can help you stay resilient and prepared for future opportunities.

Positive and Moving Forward

It’s easy to solely concentrate on the things that are going wrong, but don’t forget to celebrate small victories. Got an interview? That is progress! Have you updated your CV? Great job!

Here are a few ways to stay motivated:

  • Gratitude Journal

Every day, write down three things for which you are grateful.

  • Focus on Progress

Every rejection teaches you something new and strengthens your potential.

  • Visualise Success

Visualise yourself getting the job you have always wanted. It’s closer than you expect.

Lastly, realise that rejection is just temporary, but your potential is infinite.


Job rejections are difficult, no doubt about it. But they are not the end of your story, actually, they are a chapter. Each “no” brings you closer to the “yes” that is meant for you. So, pick yourself up, keep learning, and trust the process. Your dream job awaits you, just don’t give up. Have you recently experienced a job rejection? What has supported you going forward? Share your thoughts below. We would love to hear from you!

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